On 01.02.02, I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. Too late for surgery, I had chemotherapy, which failed. In May the chemotherapy was changed and I was soon in remission which was celebrated and welcome and lasted nine years - until October 2011. There was progression in 2011 so more treatment was indicated and I am now back in partial remission. But I'm not only a cancer patient - I also enjoy my family, walk my dogs and am learning to draw and paint. Life is good!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dear Belle - Rest in Peace


  1. I am sorry to hear you've lost your good friend. You've been having a heck of a time lately. I sure hope this year ends much better for you than it has begun. When it rains it pours it seems except for the wet kind which we really could use.

  2. Oh no! I'm so sorry, Barbara. Sending sympathy your way. I'm sure you and Belle made one another's lives better, and that's something to honor about both of you.

  3. Thank you, Timaree and Rebecca. Belle was a sweet kitty cat and we loved her.


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