On 01.02.02, I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. Too late for surgery, I had chemotherapy, which failed. In May the chemotherapy was changed and I was soon in remission which was celebrated and welcome and lasted nine years - until October 2011. There was progression in 2011 so more treatment was indicated and I am now back in partial remission. But I'm not only a cancer patient - I also enjoy my family, walk my dogs and am learning to draw and paint. Life is good!

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

9:15 a.m. - 6:45 pm

Poor Demi sat through six of my medical appointments last week; today there were two.

I was supposed to have blood drawn yesterday, but I was wretching so violently that I couldn't be a passenger in a car.

So the nurses drew the blood today. The numbers were so wonky that chemotherapy was cancelled and I received two more units of blood instead.

Steve pushed me into the suite at 9:15 when I was in tears and shaking so violently from cold that a registration clerk wrapped me in toasty warm blankets so I could thaw out a bit, but by evening I had had so much blood, medication and socialization that I was laughing and feeling much more myself.

I have one appointment tomorrow. We're giving Demi the day off.


  1. What a difference a bit of blood can make? Glad you could laugh again!

  2. Hang in there, Barbara. Let us know about the ucky wet cast situation, hope your arm has healed enough for it to come off. Have you tried eggnogs for quick calories? Probably Ensure is a lot easier. Did you get my dispensary source email?
    Much love,


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