Market time!
Farmers' Market opened this evening. We have a Friday morning market all year, but the May to November version is much larger and brings out the community every Tuesday for six months.
Steve suggested I wear a straw hat to shade the sun. I felt like Tom Sawyer's mother, but it worked.
Cool weather veggies were in abundance, as were flowers, wine and foodie-food, as well as corn dogs and kettle corn. There were picnic blankets everywhere, live music and a ballet performance. Parking was blocks away, but worth it because it's impossible to attend Farmers' Market without bumping into a friend or two or three.
Even the geese waddled through the crowd, but then they jumped back into their pond and started "doing it" right there in full view. Someone must have fed them something.
I wish we had a farmer's market but in the desert there just aren't enough people who can manage to grow stuff at all. Pretty soon all that food will taste good again.