On 01.02.02, I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. Too late for surgery, I had chemotherapy, which failed. In May the chemotherapy was changed and I was soon in remission which was celebrated and welcome and lasted nine years - until October 2011. There was progression in 2011 so more treatment was indicated and I am now back in partial remission. But I'm not only a cancer patient - I also enjoy my family, walk my dogs and am learning to draw and paint. Life is good!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Little by little

Oh dear. Saw the oncologist this morning. He had two CA15-3 tests to read. Normal is 39 and below. For ten years I sat in the 40s. Last month I hit the 70s but then came down. But yesterday I was in the 130s, the highest ever. Don't know why. I'm beginning a new chemotherapy regimen in about two weeks. But the truth is, I seem to be wasting (cachexia) and that's very bad news.

We bought my much coveted walker from Costco today. It's the kind that turns itself into a seat if
I get tired. There are storage units under the seat as well.

My regular medical marijuana collective closed and is no more. There are others around, but I have to find them. The pain relief is superior to morphine....

I had six medical appointments this week so I am more than ready for a three-day weekend...


  1. The 'wasting' caused by the increasing tumour burden? I hope your weekend was restful. Hope you gain the strength you need to do this next bout of chemo coming up soon.

  2. Oh no! :( I sure hope there was a big mistake!


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